Product SELCAL Codes: $260.00 Number of SELCAL Codes Total Aircraft Registration/Tail Numbers * SELCAL Code Now on Aircraft, if any: SELCAL Code will be used with Both HF and VHF CommunicationsVHF Communications OnlyHF Communications Only Note: If you cannot select letter P, Q, R, or S, you have an older model 12-tone SELCAL unit. Type of Code 12-Tone 16-Tone Area of Operation * Africa (AF) North Africa (NF) Central America (CA) South America (SA) Europe (EU) South East Asia (SE) Hawaii (HA) South Africa (SF) Middle East (ME) South Pacific (SP) Mediterranean (MT) West Pacific (WP) North America (NA) NOTE: The submitter will receive both an immediate confirmation and an email generated confirmation of data submitted. If an immediate confirmation is not provided upon clicking submit, please close your browser and submit the information again. Comments If you are human, leave this field blank.