ASRI® Ground Station Administration Service (AGSA)
2025 AGSA Voice and FCC Price Notification Letter
The ASRI Ground Station Administration service provides for the coordination, assignment, and licensing of VHF Aeronautical Enroute frequencies in the 128.825 to 132.000 MHz and 136.500 to 136.975 MHz spectrum to eligible aviation business customers IAW Part 87 of the FCC rules. Aviation business customers include but are not limited to airlines, fixed based operators, corporate aircraft operators and helicopter operators.
For this service, the customer must contact our customer service department to initiate a contract for ground station service. This contract will specify the customer’s responsibility regarding the installation of the ground station and for the operation of their own FCC type accepted radio equipment.
When the fully executed AGSA service contract is received by the customer service department, an order will be issued to coordinate, assign, and license the most appropriate and available frequency. Upon request, the customer will receive a temporary authority to legally operate while the application for licensing is pending with the FCC. Customers desiring a specific frequency, must coordinate this in advance. There is no guarantee that any specific frequency will be available. All frequencies are issued on a shared basis.
Costs for an AGSA frequency will be based on the cost of the FCC license fee, an order processing fee and a monthly station fee normally billed for a year in advance during the month of January each year.
For more information, specific requests or to get answers to your questions, please submit a Ground Station Frequency Request Form.